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Free of Charge

Services are free to people and their families, regardless of income.

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Dignity of Choice

We value the unique needs and perspectives of every person to make individual food choices.

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Delivered With Love

Over 700 volunteers supply 325,000 meals to more than 4,000 Sonoma County neighbors.

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Special Dietary Needs

Our Registered Dietitians customize the program to meet specific nutrition needs, and ensure the base diet is heart healthy and diabetes friendly.

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Pregnancy Nutrition

We bring healthy groceries, vitamins, and nutrition education to pregnant people and their families.

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325000 + Meals delivered in Sonoma County in 2023

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4000 + People provided with healing nutrition

What Our Clients Say


 I love that my son has been eating more fruits and vegetables. Before we started the Food For Thought program he preferred Cheerios, and now he doesn’t go anywhere without his apples.

– Joselyn

Not only does Food For Thought nourish my physical health, but the organization has great people, who genuinely care about others. I appreciate that FFT is just a phone call away, and  the drivers who deliver my groceries each week are always so kind. Not having a car can make it tough, so having my order delivered is a huge help.

– Grateful Bob

A few years into volunteering, I received a medical diagnosis and I became eligible to receive services. This made a major difference in my life. I was very grateful for the healthy food and support that I received from the FFT’s staff and volunteers.

– Mike
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Our comprehensive nutrition services improve health outcomes, promote health equity, address nutrition insecurity and malnutrition, and strengthen Sonoma County’s healthcare safety net for thousands of people.

We are backed & trusted by:

Food is Medicine Coalition Member Agency
Meals on Wheels America 2023 Member
Guidestar Platinum Transparency 2021
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